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Rainbow Vocaloids
Rainbow Vocaloids are a design of the Vocaloids based on the colors of the rainbow. They were not designed for singing, but some users have decided to give them a life of their own. Here is a picture of all the Rainbow Vocaloids.
Tia (銀色 ティア Gin-iro Tia - Silver Tia) is the silver of the rainbow Vocaloids.She is very nice to every vocaloid she meets. She is Alpha's younger sister, and Leti's older sister.
Leti (パールホワイト レティ Paaruhowaito Reti - Pearl White Retty) is the pearl white of the rainbow Vocaloids.She is as nice as Tia, the Silver vocaloid. She is also shy. She is Alpha and Tia's younger sister.
Neon (光イエロ ネオン Kouierou Neon - Luminous Yellow Neon) is the bright yellow of the rainbow Vocaloids. She is as nice as Tia and Leti, twins of the rainbow vocaloids. Even thoagh she is nice she is a typical tsundere and gets in fights with Ren, the red vocaloid often.
Miisha (オレンジ ミーシャ Orenji Miishya - Orange Misha) is the orange of the rainbow Vocaloids. She is very sweet and childish. She is also the youngest, and a crybaby.
Monyako Ouroku (黄緑色黄緑もにゃ子 Ourokuiro Ouroku Monyako - Yellow-green Monyako) is the green of the rainbow Vocaloids. She's VERY energetic.
Mirai (ピンク ミライ Pinku Mirai - Pink Mirai) is the pink of the rainbow Vocaloids. Her name means 'future'. She is very kind and sweet and is usually the one who is to look after Miisha.
Ren (赤色 レン(やすし) Sekiiro Ren (Yasushi) - Red Ren (Yasushi)) is the red of the rainbow Vocaloids.
Kaname (すみれ色 カナメ Sumireiro Kaname - Violet Kaname) is the violet of the rainbow Vocaloids.
Matsuzaki (まつざきしげるいろ まつざき Matsuzakishigeruiro Matsuzaki - Pine Color Matsuzaki) is the lush pine of the rainbow Vocaloids.
Kirsche (ダ-クグリ-ン キルシェ Daakuguriin Kirushie - Dark Green Kirche) is the dark green of the rainbow Vocaloids. Her name means 'cherry' in German.
Liizu (ブラックライト リ-ズ Burakkuraito Riizu - Blacklight Lees/Rees) is the black light of the rainbow Vocaloids.
Katsuo (紺色 カツオ Koniro Katsuo - Blue Katsuo ) is the blue of the rainbow Vocaloids. His name is a type of fish, and he is depicted as a mechanic. He gets confused easily.
Alpha (灰色 アルファ Haiiro Arufua - Gray Alpha ) is the gray of the rainbow Vocaloids. He is very serious. He is also the older sibling of Leti and Tia.
Note (黒と紫 ノトKurotomurasaki Noto - Black and Purple Noto) is the purple of the rainbow Vocaloids. He is depicted as immature, carefree and naive. He is the younger brother of Muneo.
Muneo (黒色 ムネオ Kuroiro Muneo - Black Muneo) is the black of the rainbow Vocaloids. He is the older brother of Note. He is very arrogant.